جريدة عالم السياحة والاقتصاد، تهتم بصناعة السياحة باطيافها ، الشؤون الاقتصادية والبيئة والسياحة الدينية والمغامرة والسفر والطيران والضيافة

Boeing tests environmental technologies

Boeing has started aprogramme to test more
than 25 new technologiesaimed at improving the
environmental performanceof its aircraft.
The Boeingeco Demonstrator
programme will use a
Boeing 787 Dreamliner
aircraft equipped with new systems designed to improve
operational effi ciency and reduce fuel burn. These include
onboard wireless sensors to reduce wiring and weight, new
greenhouse gas sensors, real-time turbulence reports, new
systems to reduce fuel usage during landings, outer wing
access doors made from recycled carbon fi bre, and NASA
spacing methods to improve landing effi ciency.
“The ecoDemonstrator is focused on technologies that
can improve airlines’ gate-to-gate effi ciency and reduce fuel
consumption, emissions and noise,” said Boeing’s president &
CEO, Ray Conner. “Through the ecoDemonstrator programme,
Boeing continues to invest in innovation that benefi ts the
environment and our customers.”
The initiative follows a previous ecoDemonstrator
programme conducted in 2011 using a B737 aircraft. This
resulted in Boeing making further improvements to the fueleffi
ciency of its new B737 MAX aircraft