Libya recognises importance of tourism ليبيا تعيد الاهتمام بمنتجها السياحي
Libyarecognises importance of tourism
For the first time in more than 40 years,Libyawill be trying to exploit its full potential as a tourist destination.
The visit of Libyan minister for tourism, Ikram Bash Imam to
Maltadescribed the discussions as positive and fruitful.
As the Libyan government prepares to set the country on
the road to economic growth and prosperity, investment in postrevolutionary Libya moves centre stage and it seems that Minister Ikram Bash Imam’s eff orts for the
Tourism sector is in line with the new leaders’ intentions.
Libyahas all that and even more. It also has fi ve UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It also has a2,000 kmshoreline that most of it could be developed.
She admitted the fact that after the Arab Spring, Libya is still forming its long-term strategies for the future, but on the other hand is determined to take advantage of all that the country has to off er by way of tourist attractions.Libya has a number of high-class hotels that can be used solely for tourism purposes not for the use of
government employees.
We need even build more, not only inTripoliorBenghazi, but also
in other cities like Misurata, and Derna, to mention just two of many,
in order to diversify the destination of tourists and for such cities to also
enjoy the fruit of the industry.The government also has an even more important role to play, fi rstly by organising the sites,
modernising their access, providing knowledgeable on site guides,
maintain the attractions, resurface the roads, particularly those close
to the various hotels and sites, and facilitate the transport sector giving
tourist easy access to the country?s main cities.
The tourism industry is not just hotels and heritage sites.
The country could also become an attractive destination for cruise
liners; sports tourism is another niche, so too culture.
While another great asset is theSaharaDesert.